| Sister Cities Newport News wishes to thank all for the support given over the past month of “March Madness” …54 international delegates arrived and were treated extraordinarily well by over 50 “Homestay Host” and “Day Hosts”. This is a record number for our organization. And speaking of records, over 220 attended our annual GlobalBee Quiz. Our community truly stepped in to help – the City of Newport News provided the fantastic site for our 9th Annual GlobalBee Quiz (Midtown Community Center rocks!) and supported us with transportation, professionally guided tours of Endview and Lee Hall plantations and some “promotional gifts” for the delegates. The principals and staff of Hilton, Menchville, Warwick, Woodside and Peninsula Catholic High allowed us to send many, many young people into their schools to experience our American education system. CNU provided well-run student tours and a delightful ”Jazz for Japan” concert in the beautiful ballroom of the David Student Union. Canon Virginia and area museums including the Virginia Living Museum (VLM), The Mariners’ Museum and the Virginia Air and Space Center (VASC) offered personalized tours that will surely resonate with these international guests for years to come. And, donations by PMA Architecture and SMOKE BBQ made it possible for SCNN to host all 54 delegates and their local host families under one roof on the day the two delegations crossed over. We also received some nice press from Newport News Now our city’s new daily news feed or “N3" https://www.nnva.gov/Blog.aspx?CID=4 and The Daily Press, http://www.dailypress.com/news/education/dp-nws-exchange-students-20160329-story.html ) for which we are very appreciative. A simple “Thank You” really doesn’t seem enough for all who have done so much. Please know that Sister Cities stands ready to support your organization and/or you personally to improve our community’s understanding and access to the international community. Ours is a “reciprocal exchange program”, and SCNN is currently forming outgoing “Citizen Delegations” to all three official Sister Cities (Germany this May, Japan this November and China TBA.) We are also hoping to ramp up the official exchange process with our friendship city of St. Nazaire, France. Those interested in participating on an exchange or simply learning more about what we do, are encouraged to contact to me or any member of SCNN’s Board of Directors. Can’t wait until we do this again! -KZH |
Kate Zahn Helwig
SCNN Executive Director Kate has worked for Sister Cities since July 2001; you can view her profile on Linkedin Categories