Phase #2 of the sister-school exchange between Newport News' Menchville High and Greifswald's Jahn Gymnasium is in full swing! Right now Menchville High’s delegation is in our Sister City of Greifswald, enjoying the hospitality of the city’s people. I’ll let this note from Frau Willett (Menchville’s German Teacher) speak for itself:
This has truly been an incredible experience! Attached are a few more photos of our adventures thus far. We met the Vice Mayor, had a lovely tour of the city, and visited the island of Ruegen. Today we will have an international culture workshop with a representative of the University of Greifswald and then we say farewell with a little friendly competition at the bowling alley tonight. The students and I are so sad that today is the last full day with our amazing Sister City and tomorrow we're off to Berlin and then Munich. I sincerely hope we can continue this exchange every 2 years!
Kind regards, Christina Willett
Many thanks to the members of Sister Cities Newport News who host our international guests. Your gifts of time and hospitality are now being reciprocated on our young people in Greifswald. I echo the sentiments of Frau Willett and look forward to continuing our exchange programs well into the future!