Sister Cities is pleased to announce General Denis MERCIER, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, NATO ACT as the guest speaker at the 10th Annual International Breakfast on July 21st in CNU's David Student Union Ballroom. For over 35 years, Sister Cities has served as the “International Arm” of the City of Newport News and has engaged our community in numerous exchanges. Sister Cities actively exchanges governmental officials, business leaders, citizen delegations and students from our partner cities in Japan, China, German and France. This plated breakfast event generates support for our cultural, educational and economic exchanges, and provides scholarships for youth. While reservations are free, all are asked to make a generous donation in support of our programs. Donations can be made in advance online or on-site (cash, credit and check). RSVP required by July 17 at https://2017internationalbreakfast.eventbrite.com or [email protected]