Do you know a young person who would love to visit Japan? Why not encourage them to submit an application to travel to Japan this November 18-27!
SCNN’s goal is to send a delegation of approximately 10 adults and 10 youth. We are looking for a few more youth to apply. All delegates will "homestay" with Japanese families which makes this a very affordable exchange! Right now the cost is expected to be less than $2,000 per person as delegates are only responsible for round-trip airfare (currently just under $1,400), spending money, and a $150 travel fee. An application and more details can be found at: http://www.sistercities-nn.com/outgoing-delegations.html or by calling 757-926-1348.
SCNN’s goal is to send a delegation of approximately 10 adults and 10 youth. We are looking for a few more youth to apply. All delegates will "homestay" with Japanese families which makes this a very affordable exchange! Right now the cost is expected to be less than $2,000 per person as delegates are only responsible for round-trip airfare (currently just under $1,400), spending money, and a $150 travel fee. An application and more details can be found at: http://www.sistercities-nn.com/outgoing-delegations.html or by calling 757-926-1348.